The Baltimore County Budget Town Halls are complete, and we appreciate all the residents who spoke out in favor of land preservation. You made a difference!
We do have a commitment from the County Executive and the Planning Director to increase the funding from $2 million a year to $3 million a year. We still have a way to go to equal the commitment of other counties but it’s a good start.
The County is now beginning the Master Plan revision process. This is the process that will guide the growth and development of the county through the year 2030. The county has a website Masterplan2030-bc-gis.hub.arcgis.com/ where residents can track the process and provide input on the plan. LPT will be working to be sure that the Master Plan addresses the critical need to increase the pace of land preservation, to encourage environmental restoration, and support the agricultural economy.
As part of the Master Plan process, Baltimore County has put the previously adopted community master plans online. One example is the Hanover Pike Corridor study completed in 1993.
Check out the Hanover Pike Corridor Study here.
The Master planning process provides the opportunity to update these plans and access progress toward meeting the goals contained in the plans.
We urge all residents to participate in the planning process and will provide updates as the plan progresses. Land preservation matters in Baltimore County.